Archive a PDF of your Posterous blog

My wife and I had a private travel blog on Posterous. Unfortunately, Posterous got aquihired by Twitter and is shutting down, so I spent a few minutes figuring out how to save a PDF of the blog. Chrome and Firefox did pretty poorly at saving a decent looking PDF for my long blog so I installed wkhtmltopdf and made one myself. Here’s how.

Install wkhtmltopdf, then run:

wkhtmltopdf --enable-plugins --margin-bottom 0 --margin-top 0 --margin-left 0 --margin-right 0 "" archive.pdf

If your blog has a password, log in with a browser and copy the cookie. Firefox makes this easy in the Developer Toolbar by entering cookie list.

wkhtmltopdf --cookie cookiename cookievalue ...

Finally, if you’re on a Mac and used the pre-built wkhtmltopdf disk image, you can still use the command line.

/path/to/ ...
